Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I get the fuckin' best!

I packed all my life in one name.. to just wake up and find it gone
who didnt choose a less wrong way.. to hurt me less as he did me wrong.

And I’m sure his hands did not tremble
As he went ahead and made out with her
and i am sure he thought he can
cuz he is too effete to leave me like a man!

Reality has it, he is as fake as a girl with fake-mac lipstick
Got 2 tattoos, and none worth it
Its not like I wanna write abt 'em
I like feelin better , So its narcissism!

First time ever I saw someone steal a Princess’ trash
But well to come to think of it, I never really wanted him
I will drop my current’s address to her mailbox when I'm done with him
I am sure she likes to pick up door mats or trash from dust bins !

 they should keep in mind I always get the last laugh
And that would make you wonder cuz he is with her
But don’t u see God has his grace on me?
Cuz Im nt with the immoral pig , but She..
Dating a chic who has so much in common with him, kinda shows!
For example, balding problem, well yeah! Everyone knows!
Or maybe she just has excessively large forehead issue
But so does he, these guys r like brother-sister!
See, the nice girl I am, I would be the last person
saying anything about anyone’s appearance
but I must tell 'em cuz they both missed pep school
They can never get anything in life, nomatter how less they stoop!

So well myth of my life was we will stick forever like permanent tattoos
But atleast he can be my comic Muse, and finally for some use!
And once they had fun, making my heart depress-pound like a drum
Sure they found that there is nothing in life I enjoy more than revenge
For sure she has him, but I always get the fucking best!
My life is a party and these guys are old to even enter it
She is fucking her mind with something when I m over it

Well he is a comedy for my friends, 
thanks 2 his funny surname
And he shall know one day, betraying others with that face
Wont make him many friends!


  1. Kudos! revenge is certainly sweet. i have never come across a contemporary lampoon so well written.

  2. oh poor uncle and aunty got bothered reading it.. awww didnt care while cheating? fucked face loser

  3. If a man cheats on you or leaves you for another woman he is not and never was in love with you. A guy who loves you wont ever do this to you. He will never let you cry, and he will never let you keep crying. Guys in love like taking care of the women they love especially when the girl is upset.
    Dont you agree? What do you think? did you get him back?

  4. No, I never spoke to him again. I can't have any type of relation with someone for whom I have lost all Respect!
