Monday, December 9, 2013

Almosting us!

It will be a very random, digressing post. I shall not be censuring anyone or highlighting follies of men I thought too high of and hoped against hope and good sense, hoping that my knowledge of them might improve for the better with closer acquaintance, but in vain. It’s very selfish how no one wants to be let-down yet wants to not go through any scruples to not let-down others. Then when you do give up on them and give up on waking and sleeping with all this negative feeling, they would blame you (again)… forgetting it shall only make me more confident of having taken this step, and will reduce the regret and missing to as short duration as they possibly could.

And when they yet go ahead and hurt you more with their callousness or lack of care and they think that shall teach you a lesson, No it will only spare us the hurt and concern which we must go through in walking away.

So, I don’t know why people don’t have pretty hearts or why they resist so much to do things out of their comfort zone for us when we would, if in our power. I wonder why affectation or pretense gets them as far as they do than real character or honest nature. I don't know why women are still straight when men have turned into these bitches, pussies or princesses. I don’t know whether to name this post “Love should come easy” or “Love is a battlefield” or “Move on stupid girl” or “Optimism is lack of common sense” or “LISTEN TO YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS INFRONT OF WHOM HE TREATS YOU LIKE SHIT”.
Anyway, I am sure people who know my life know where this is coming from. I read this blog post “Adorable Things People In Relationships Do For Each Other“* and I felt like I-don’t-know-this-feeling.

1. Make impromptu plans.   (HELL NO. "Sorry, you didnt give me a heads up")
2. Make an honest and thorough effort to understand something the other person is passionate about. (Nope)
3. Send each other quotes, songs and clips from movies. ("No relevance, stop/ Chill")
4. Give each other really huge hugs where someone is inevitably lifted off the ground when they see each other for the first time in a while. (Nope)
5. Speak kindly of the people that they know matter to them. (NOPE)
6. Make sure they always feel like they’re loved and that there’s someone who will always be there for them at the end of the day. (????)

Well I personally feel that if I don’t wanna see the guy I am dating when drunk, then I shouldn’t really be dating him. And if he doesn’t wanna reciprocate it, then maybe I walked too long on this path of illusion and maybe I am that deer running after water in Deserts, unaware of the reality… Maybe hope and optimism are not virtues anymore. If you call him and he doesn’t take it, if you wanna see him and he doesn’t feel that way, If you put your picture and he asks you to take it down, If he doesn’t do something you beg/request him to do infront of your friends, then Congrats you really are an optimist with a great deal of pretty in "Pretty hearts" and perseverance.. with lack of sight of wtf is going on. This is for all the women who just don’t know why they are not giving up on men who are only almosting them, and are in return trying, trying and trying… and maybe crying to sleep one night because of all the confusion, hurt, calls not taken, messages not replied to, asked to "Chill" when you sent incessant banter playful texts, lack of light in the tunnel and all the almosting.

You must stop, just stop. 
He will always almost you.