Friday, June 20, 2014

Harbour to my Oceans

You are the calm to my disaster,
The pacifier to my Devil,
You are the harbour to my Oceans,
The quiet to my crazy

I run away from everything before it runs away from me,
But here I am with you; sitting, not looking at you or even wondering if you are still there.
You paralyze my runnings, sterilize my anxiety;
I have met human-drugs before, but you are the one that’s anti-toxic.
I just feel like I could back-walk a cliff and you would save me,
Even before I would realize, even before my heart could skip a beat
You get along with all my friends, to an extent they could be jealous,
You put my phone on charge without telling, when I forget to..
You call me beautiful every morning I wake up next to you,
I walk in 24x7, unsafe, post-drinking to quickly collect a thing or two
Just to turn around to see the guy standing close to me is you
Things I have been resisting to feel, or have felt with fear
You give it all and more on a plate to me, and still stay there.

And with your Greece-blue eyes, you became that spot at the end of the road
Where running stops, where one sits and drinks water,
You became the harbour and the anchor..

I am just afraid, what if I am in love with the storms,
what if that's the only thing I have ever known?
What if I am the sailor.

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