Sunday, September 25, 2011

I think I made you up inside my head!

I don’t think I like his eyes
Although I have told him that I do
Right would be –
i only like them  when they are looking at me
Or when they are trying not to!

And he is over-right some ways yet so bloody twisted,
Its weird cuz I just can’t get him,
Yet I want to.
He would invite me and wont come sit with me,
N I sit there wondering what to do.
He attracts me and Its frustrating,
They say “forget waiting, u go make a move”
but I sit there fuming, cuz I am way more wise for 22.

And I wont even sit with him in the same booth or the same seat,
But something abt his presence near-by makes me feel so complete,
He is 95% my reason to go to a particular club,
Makes me think he is pretty much good at his work!!
And then half the times I m looking at him,
when he would look around and crack another joke,
N the minute he looks my way, I make sure that I don’t.
And then he gets up and walks away,
When his duty calls or girls,
And I hate him from all the hate God gave,
N I wonder what a girl in my shoes does.
But I am way too wise to waste my night on guys
So, I go down to dance before anyone even knows,
the disturbance of my countenance, all the same that I have felt before,
Plus I wont wait all my life 4 someone to take me on the floor.
But there is something about him, I dont yet know what it is
He just has to say the word
and I am listening with all my life and drunken consciousness
Sometimes I feel like I am making him up!

But without him,
I would be a stranger to these feelings
A stranger at a party thinking at whom should she be looking
Stranger in a jungle of the same breed, different colour
And then getting tired of waiting for love to find her
Comparing guys and settling for someone who shines brighter
n getting drunk enough to meet someone new
And another night that she blew
Then succumbing to reality, maybe forcing herself to get smitten
A Stranger to these lines that She would have never written.

Maybe its his rude-hindi that I think is cute,
or the fact that he has no clue what I want him to do,
or that he has challenged life's safety of the so-called routine,
like a free flowing ocean, born on the fifteenth,
So I sure as hell can look at him and pass this time
Without regretting another 1 of these never-ending wasted nights...


  1. unbelievable! you can feel so much and think so much! wow....

  2. hmm..maybe ur literary skills rubbed off on me...riti! :P lemme know, if ati hs a blog running too..i bet she does! ;-)

  3. Wow wonderful work. Is this for a real person or fictional? I cant tell. Most of your work is so well written its very difficult to tell. Amazing
