Sunday, March 6, 2011


I was so out of love
There was no one,  I could turn to
For inspiration.

All nights were dark , all days were grey
All guys looked the same,
Just with a different name!

I had written millions of poems..
Just to draw an angry X over them!

I have gone from depression to indifference
With time, when I saw happy couples
They made me bitter n jealous initially
Later I just wondered wtf went wrong with me.

I  had fallen out of love – so well,
Nice and neat!
That to think that I could once love,
was so hard 2 believe.

I had even decided that definitely
God has a crush on me…
Or Y else do they turn out to be jerks
Whoever I start dating.

I had lost faith in dreams,
I thought life can be..
So heart-breaking
For dreamers like me!

They said my problem was my love 4 those stupid fairytales
I told them they bring out dragons in it to teach us 2 b brave
that u get justice, happiness n ur Prince.. but it might take a lil long
n both mental or physical dragons can be fought.. 

And so i put my hopes on... with a broken smile
I dressed up n went out.. when i would hav sat at home n cried!

And I was so broken… when you came,
U remained patient n drove my fears away,
Caged my guards n tore my sad poems’ pages apart,
Fought that barb-wired fence around my heart!

And like my knight in shinning armor You came ..
to kiss me in the pouring rain,
to have my girly stuff kept in a drawer at ur place,
To make me feel secure n to let that feeling stay,
To run away with me before we get boring n old,
To dance with me at midnight in a colony park
sharing the same earphones! =]

To let me fall asleep - tired - on ur couch at nights,
N wake up on ur bed.. beautifully cuddled so tight,
2 fall in love with u more with every passing hour,
To think of you n smile when I hear any romantic song!  =))

I never thought I could feel this way
I cant believe I had those lonely yesterdays
Theres just one thing that I wanna do
 I wanna get happily old with you~!

I have found new faith in dreams
I think life can be
So happily pretty
4 dreamers like u n me!


  1. so dreamy actually :) i wna live like like this.. like a dreamer. live like its a dream. so good!
